Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meeting the Family

Saturday brought many new faces into the NICU to meet Kylee.  Several of Natalie's family members arrived in town for the baby shower and all got to meet Kylee yesterday afternoon.  I, unfortunately, did not get to make the trip as I have some kind of sinus infection/laryngitis thing going on and did not want to risk spreading anything to Kylee or any of the other babies in NICU.

Natalie reported that Kylee was extremely active and alert during their visit.  Natalie has also been closely monitoring how well Kylee has tolerated feedings and they have slightly increased the amount of milk given to Kylee and she tolerates it well!!  Additionally, they are decreasing the pressure to her CPAP machine as well.  Decreasing the pressure will force Kylee to breathe more on her own...which is good!!

Apparently Saturday nights are one of two scheduled "bath nights" for all babies in NICU and Kylee's nurse reported that Kylee enjoyed her bath time.

Natalie was able to get a few pictures of Kylee without her little hat or CPAP in place.  The things on her face are pieces of velcro tape that is used to hold the CPAP nasal prongs in place.

Apparently, everyone thinks she looks like her daddy....I'm not so sure I see the resemblance....hahahahahahahahhahaha......

Oh, a final positive note.  Kylee has started to gain weight and is actually above her original birth weight by an entire ounce!!  Hopefully she continues this positive trend so she can come home soon........

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